Monday, February 20, 2017

Tomorrow is the most important day of this year.

Greetings Friend

The Democratic Party of Grant County would like to remind you of the importance of tomorrow's election.  You have heard it many time before because it is true "Democrats who don't vote, elect Republicans."

We hope that you will make it to the polls tomorrow and also encourage others to do the same.  Supporting incumbent Tony Evers as State Supervisor is one of the most important political races in Wisconsin in recent years.

IF YOU DON'T....then here is what is going to happen.  A Tea Party/Republican extremist is going to be put in charge of the state's public schools.  If that happens, we will within just a couple of year's, lose all of Wisconsin's public schools. I know that sounds extreme and so rotten that you don't even want to think about it, but it is true.

Both the neoconservative candidates running against Tony Evers plan to replace all public schools with voucher schools.  The Scott Walker administration has been passing laws for years getting ready with their voucher school plan.  Which includes replacing teachers with unqualified party loyalists who won't need to have even a degree in education, they will not even have proper criminal background checks which endangers our children.

There is almost no oversight of voucher schools and the curriculum would be based on the ideology of the Tea and Republican Parties who as they are always fond to point out, do not believe in math or science. Just imagine the indoctrination they would try to force on our children instead of educating them. On top of all this, those voucher schools would raise taxes as they cost more, because those voucher schools are for-profit.  So you have to pay for the schools, all new textbooks and materials which won't include science and then you have to pay the owner's of the schools to guarantee them their millions of dollars of our tax money.

We know you don't want that to happen, heck, most Republicans who know what is going on do not want this to happen.  But Scott Walker and the Republican Party of Wisconsin are going to try to ram it down their throats anyway.

Record numbers of Democratic voters have been turning out in recent Grant County elections.  We have faith that you won't let us down tomorrow, and that you will support Tony Evers, our children and their future by turning out the vote Tuesday February 21st.

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